LEYENDA Dance company

Contacto: Gabriela Pineault
Tel:(951) 642-1867
Ballet folklorico is the modern interpretation of mexican ethnic dances. Mexican folk dance originated centuries ago from pre-hispanic times to date.
LEYENDA Dance company is a Riverside California Mexican Ballet Folklorico group that teaches local ballet folklorico classes to Children 5 years old and up, Teenagers, Young adults and Adults.
Our group performs local Ballet Folklorico Shows in Weddings and Corporate Events as well as Theater shows, television shows, Hollywood films and Commercials for TV.
We serve the Riverside County, Orange County, Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County and International Tours Around the world: (Beijing, Hong Kong, Dubai, France, Italy, Mexico, Thailand, etc) HIRE OR JOIN our group.
Our Ballet Folklorico group has been doing business for 13 years. Over 800 students have taken classes in that period of time.
LEYENDA Ballet folklorico has been a trend setter in the Mexican Ballet Folklorico field with signature movements like the plato turns pivoting on a “V” shaped arm stand. Another Leyenda ballet folklorico signature move is the Zapateados con volados so high that male dancers seem to float on the air when taking pictures of this in slow motion. “The male dancers kick so high” many say about our group. This is because as we developed our signature style in 2005 we wanted to give a wow factor. We wanted to bring pride and recognition to the genre and from our very traditional beginnings, that third year was the year in which we came out with our own “Flavor”. If you see one of our shows you will also notice that women in our group bend lower than usual and they do body rolls incorporated into faldeo movement. In summary: our style is very performing arts and features a wide range of motion for the same traditional steps.
Contacto: Gabriela Pineault
Tel:(951) 642-1867
Leyenda es un grupo de baile cultural.
Ballet folklorico es una interpretacion moderna de danzas etnicas de mexico. Bailes folcloricos Mexicanos originados hace siglos desde la epoca prehispanica a la fecha.
LEYENDA Dance company se encuentra en Riverside California en el condado de Orange conty donde se da a la tarea de enseñar bailes mexicanos folcloricos a personas de cinco años en adelante. El grupo hace presentaciones culturales, teatro, eventos sociales y corporativos. Con mas de 13 años estableciso el grupo a servido a más de 800 alumnos a traves de su historia.
LEYENDA Ballet folklorico se ha distinguido como un grupo que a se ha hecho nota en su localidad y alrededor de el area de lo Angeles. Su coregrafia tiene movimientos propios que lo distingues tales como. vueltas de plato y pivoteados en “V”. sus Zapateados con volados son tan altos que pareciaran volar. El estilo de Leyenda nace de sus comienzos tradicionales y poco a poco an incorporado nuevas facetas a los bailes. No solo los hombres trabajan duro. La mujeres doblan mas de lo usual en estas presentaciones incorporando al movimiento de faldeo.